individual presentations & conferences
Tours, IMS Study Group “Tablature in Western Music”: (Reinier de Valk, David Weigl, Kateryna Schöning) “Digitally editing German lute tablature for the E-LAUTE project: Workflows and first results”, (2.-3.11.2023), https://ricercar-tours.fr/workshop-tablatures-at-tours-2-3-november-2023/ und https://lutesocietyofamerica.org/events/#tabattours.
Barcelona, Institución Milá y Fontanals de Investigación en Humanidades-CSIC, “COST Action 21161 - A new ecosystem of early music studies (EarlyMuse)”. WG3 ‘Publications’. Meeting on Monumenta editions in Europe: (Birgit Lodes, Kateryna Schöning) “About Digital and Hybrid Editions on Example of the ‘Denkmäler der Tonkunst in Österreich’“, (19.-20.9.2023).
Paderborn, “Encoding Cultures”. Joint MEC and TEI Conference: (Reinier de Valk) “Ain schone kunstliche underweisung”: Modelling German lute tablature in MEI”, (4.-8.9.2023).
München, “MedRen”: (Reinier de Falk, Henning Burghoff, Kateryna Schöning) “The edition-project ‘E-LAUTE: Electronic Linked, Annotated, and Unified Tablature Edition – The lute in the German-Speaking Area 1450–1550’“ (Poster), (24.-28.7.2023), https://medren2023.com.
Newcastle upon Tyne (UK), Conference “The Future of Digital Editions”: (Reinier de Valk) “The E-LAUTE project ‘The lute in the German-Speaking Area 1450-1550’“, (28.-30.3.2023).
Bayreuth, Workshop “Late Medieval Songs - Possibilities and Limits of the Digital Edition” at the University of Bayreuth: (Kateryna Schöning) “E-LAUTE: Electronic Linked, Annotated, and Unified Tablature Editions – The Lute in the German-Speaking Area 1450–1550”, (14.-15.2.2023).
Munich, Colloquium / Upper seminar at the LMU Munich: (David Weigl, Kateryna Schöning) “E-LAUTE: Electronic Linked, Annotated, and Unified Tablature Editions”, (25.1.2023).
Basel, “Lute Days” / IMS Study Group “Tablature in Western Music”: (Kateryna Schöning) “The new project E-LAUTE: Electronic Linked, Annotated, and Unified Tablature Edition and some results of the ongoing project about tablatures and humanism – semantics of maxims and music in 16th century lute tablatures”, (14.09.2022).