Pilot IV
Dialogues about Music
This a case study with an interdisciplinary approach of Web science, musicology and performance practice. In the edition it will generally be possible to share all information with recipients via an annotation interface, and to use this to enter into a dialogue with them. Using the example of three closely connected tablatures – the Viennese exemplar of Hans Judenkünig, Utilis et compendiaria introductio, Vienna 1523, VD16 J 1031 and Ain schone kunstliche vnderweisung in disem buechlein/ leychtlich zu begreyffen den rechten gru[n]d zu lernen auff der Lautten vnd Geygen, Vienna 1523, VD16 J 1030, and its handwritten supplement Lautentabulatur des Stephan Craus, A-Wn Mus.Hs. 18688 – the recipients will be invited to react explicitly to all parameters of the edition. Thus, the dynamic and colloborative side of the edition will be evaluated.