


E-LAUTE, Workshop / Kick-off Meeting, Vienna, 3.7.-4.7. 2023

Venues: Institut of Musicology, University of Vienna, lecture hall 1

The international team of the E-LAUTE project will hold a public workshop meeting from 3 Jul to 4 Jul 2023 at the University of Vienna, Department of Musicology (lecture hall 1). As experts from 7 institutions in the fields of musicology, performance practice, German studies, music informatics and web science, we will discuss topics related to the digital processing of tablatures from the 15th and 16th century. Across disciplines, we are working on editorial strategies, MEI techniques and the encoding of the German lute tablature, on the systematic and historical reworking of textual and musical material, as well as analytical and representational perspectives in connection with modern technologies.


Day 1 (3.7.2023)

9.00 - 09.30 I. General presentation of the project and its parts (K. Schöning)
Short round of introductions (all members of the project)

9.30 - 10.35 II. Technical principles and literal transcription in ‘common music notation’ (=CMN) and ‘German lute tablature’ (=GLT); current state of work, issues - solutions, perspectives
Part CMN
Material of the project (K. Schöning) ‘MEI-Friend’ (D. Weigl)
Transfer into CMN and editing the files in ‘MEI-Friend’ (D. Weigl, H. Burghoff, B. Recheis, K. Schöning)
Discussion - 30’

10.35 - 10.45 Coffee break

10.45 - 12.00
Part GLT
Literal transcription in GLT, encoding and perspectives of the TabMEI, Working with ILT and FLT (P. Kieffer, M. Lewon, R. de Valk)
Discussion - 30’ (leader D. Weigl)

12.00 - 12.40 III. Perspectives of OMR: first trial studies with similarity searches in music data (A. Rauber, M. Höller)
Discussion - 10’

12.50 - 13.50 Lunch: in ‘Bierheuriger zum Gangl’, Alser Str. 4, 1090 Wien

14.00 - 15.20 IV. Pilot I + II: Text and music in the edition, first tablature characters. Case study on the Königssteiner Liederbuch. Songs in the lute tablatures
State of research / systematisation of texts, Pilot I (C. Kropik, S. Rosmer, Ch. Steindl)
Pilot II: - Pilot II: early tablature notation, role of the text, performance agenda (M. Lewon)
Discussion - 30’

15.20 - 15.45 V. Systematic, historical and bibliographical gathering of text and music material (logic, structure, database) (K.Schöning, Imput)
Discussion - 20’

15.45 walking together to the ÖNB

16.00 - 17.00 visit to the music collection of the ÖNB: viewing of handwritten tablatures

17.00 - 18.00 State Hall of the ÖNB

18.00 - 19.00 Common trip to the Heurigen

ab 19.00 Dinner at the Heurigen ‘Zum Martin Seep’, Cobenzlgasse 34, 1190 Wien-Grinzing

Day 2 (4.7.2023)

9.00 - 09.30 VI. Pilot III: (partial aspects): Text and Music in the Intavolations of the D-Mbs 1512 (I. Holzer, O. Janjuš)
Discussion - 15’

9.45 - 10.15 VII. External papers and discussions……
The Optical Music Recognition in French Lute Tablature Manuscripts (17th and 18th centuries) (G. Joachimiak und A. Margraf)

10.15 - 10.45 Understanding tablature manuscripts: The meaning of non-standard signs in the late 15th and early 16th centuries (I. Döring)

10.45 - 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 - 13.00 Project internal working session: planning of next steps & summary

ab 14.00 Lunch in the garden of the Café-Restaurant ‘Diglas im Schottenstift’
___ The main objective of the meeting is to move forward in the following work areas of the project:

(1) Diplomatic and editorial transcription in CMN, GLT a.o. Tab;
(2) MEI-Friend and work with the programme;
(3) Encoding of GLT;
(4) Systematic, historical and bibliographical gathering of the textual and musical material (logic, structure, database), with the perspective of future presentation of the material on our editorial platform;
(5) Storage of data and organisation of the project; Use of GitLab, GitHub, GoogleDrive; internal storage of “foreign” material, Distribution and exchange of the transcribed or edited material; Uniformity in the naming of data and its storage;
(6) Editing of texts (TEI); connection of texts and music;
(7) Audio data, selection, recording and connection to the edition;
(8) Perspectives of OMR: first trial studies with similarity searches in the music data;
(9) Pilot I+II (sub-aspects): Text and music, variance, metre, concordance, first signs of lute tablature in the 15th century;
(10) Pilot III (sub-aspects): Text and music in the intabulations of the D-Mbs 1512;
(11) Website www.e-laute-info, conception; infrastructure of the ÖNB host.
___ We will take only a few examples, which we will look at from different viewpoints:

A1 “Elslein, liebes Elslein mein”, fol. 22v, Hans Judenkünig, Ain schone kunstliche vnderweisung, Wien 1523
A2 “Elslein, liebes Elslein mein”, fol. 7v, A-Wn_Mus.Hs.18688 (Craus-Tabulatur)
A3: “Elslein, liebes Elslein mein”, fol. 24v, A-Wn_Mus.Hs._18688 (Craus-Tabulatur)
B1: Lied Nr. 134, Königsteiner Liederbuch
B2: fol. 170v-171r, Nr. 134=146, Königsteiner Liederbuch
C1: “Ich hat mir eyn falcken ußderkorn”/ “Zwischen berg und tieffem tail” fol. 142r-142v, Nr. 82, Königsteiner Liederbuch
C2: “Pschissen perg und leckh die tall” [nach H. Isaac, „Zwischen Berg und tiefen Tal“, Tenor und Bass”], fol. 29r, A-Wn_Mus.Hs._18688 (Craus-Tabulatur)
D1: “Chiarenzana”, fol. 7v-8v, A-Wn Mus.Hs.18827, in zwei Varianten (original)
D2: “Chiarenzana”, fol. 7v-8v, A-Wn Mus.Hs.18827, in zwei Varianten (edited)
E: “Passo e mezzo”, fol. 34r-35r, PL-WRk 352
F: “Mein Fleiß und Mueh’”, fol. 17r, D-Mbs_Mus.ms_1512 __
Participants of the workshop are members of the project and our guests. ___ Our guests and responders:
Prof. Tim Crawford, Goldsmiths College, University of London, music informatics (online, in MEI-Part)
Dr. David Lewis, Goldsmiths College, University of London, music informatics (online, in MEI-Part)
Dr. Anna Plaksin, University of Mainz, music informatics (online, in ‘MEI-Friend’-Part)
Dr. Irina Döring, University François-Rabelais in Tours, musicology and performance practice (lute, the 15th century)
Dr. Grzegorz Joachimiak, University Wrocław, musicology and performance practice (lute, the 17th-18th c.)
DI Arek Margraf, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center/ PSNC (online)
Dr. Stefan Gasch, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, musicology
Prof. Dr. Birgit Lodes, Department of Musicology, University of Vienna,musicology
Prof. Frauke Jürgensen, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, musicology